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AAA Arbitration Requirements in Contracts

Prasse-Anderson Law Group Jan. 5, 2024

AAA arbitration is often a preferred dispute resolution method included in many contracts due to its efficiency, confidentiality, and relative cost-effectiveness. However, for it to be an operative clause in an agreement, certain specific requirements must be met.  

At Prasse-Anderson Law Group, we believe in the significance of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes, such as arbitration, in resolving disputes fairly and efficiently. As part of our commitment to informing you about the various facets of ADR, we're taking a closer look at the arbitration requirements set forth by the American Arbitration Association (AAA). 

Standard Arbitration Clause Options 

There are several key requirements that should be considered when drafting an arbitration clause according to AAA. These include: 

Scope of the Agreement 

The clause should clearly and explicitly define what disputes are subject to arbitration. For example, it could encompass all disputes arising out of the contract, including but not limited to issues related to breach of contract, non-performance, or interpretation of terms. Alternatively, the clause may specify that only certain types of disputes, such as those pertaining to payment or intellectual property rights, are subject to arbitration.  

By providing such clarity and specificity, parties involved can ensure a fair and efficient resolution process for any potential conflicts. 

Number of Arbitrators 

The number of arbitrators appointed for a dispute is a crucial factor to consider. AAA allows parties to choose either a single arbitrator or a panel of three arbitrators, depending on the complexity and value of the dispute. We can't stress enough how vital the selection of arbitrators can be in ensuring a fair and impartial resolution. 

Selecting the appropriate number of arbitrators can profoundly influence the arbitration process. A single arbitrator offers a more cost-effective and efficient approach since there's only one person to make a decision. On the other hand, a panel of arbitrators can bring diverse perspectives and expertise, especially in complex cases. 

Locale Provisions 

In our experience serving clients in Tampa, Florida, Pasco County, and Pinellas County, we've found that locale provisions play a significant role in arbitration clauses. These provisions allow parties to determine the location where the arbitration hearings will take place. AAA offers flexibility in this regard, allowing parties to select a venue that is convenient for all involved. 

Governing Law 

Another essential aspect of arbitration clauses is the choice of governing law. Parties can specify the jurisdiction whose laws will govern the arbitration proceedings. This choice can significantly impact the interpretation and enforcement of the arbitration award. 

The chosen jurisdiction influences not only the arbitral proceedings but also the post-award phase. The laws of the selected jurisdiction will guide how the arbitration agreement is interpreted, set the grounds on which an award might be challenged, and determine the enforcement procedures for the award. Therefore, the chosen jurisdiction and its legal framework should align with the needs and objectives of the parties.  

Discovery Process 

Discovery is a fundamental part of any legal proceeding, and arbitration is no exception. AAA provides guidelines for the discovery process in arbitration. Parties can include provisions in their arbitration clauses to outline the scope and limitations of discovery, making the process efficient and cost-effective. This is especially crucial for businesses looking to avoid lengthy and expensive discovery disputes. 

Duration of Arbitration Proceedings 

The duration of arbitration proceedings can vary widely, depending on factors like the complexity of the dispute and the availability of the parties and arbitrators. By including provisions in their arbitration clauses to establish time limits for each stage of the arbitration process, parties can promote a timely resolution.  


Arbitration clauses should also address the available remedies in case of a dispute. Parties can specify the types of relief that can be awarded by the arbitrators, such as monetary damages, specific performance, or injunctive relief. By clearly defining the available remedies, parties can avoid ambiguity and potential conflicts in the future. 


Confidentiality is often a crucial concern in arbitration. To ensure the confidentiality of the proceedings and the award, parties can include provisions in their arbitration clauses, protecting sensitive business information. 

This aspect is particularly advantageous for businesses as it helps to maintain corporate privacy and protect competitive advantages. However, the scope and effectiveness of these confidentiality provisions may depend on the applicable laws of the chosen jurisdiction. Therefore, it's advisable to seek legal counsel when drafting these provisions to ensure adequate protection. 

Non-Payment of Arbitration Expenses 

To avoid disputes regarding the payment of arbitration fees and expenses, parties can include provisions in their arbitration clauses to address the consequences of non-payment. These provisions can specify the party responsible for covering the costs and the potential remedies for non-payment. 

Ask a Skilled Attorney for Help 

In conclusion, incorporating AAA arbitration requirements in contracts can provide an efficient and effective dispute resolution process. Carefully drafted arbitration clauses that address the specific needs of the parties and the nature of the dispute can ensure a fair and enforceable resolution. AAA offers a wealth of resources and guidelines to assist in the drafting of arbitration clauses, promoting clarity and certainty in contractual relationships. 

At Prasse-Anderson Law Group, our skilled business law attorney is here to guide you through every step of the process. Whether you need assistance with drafting an arbitration clause or navigating an arbitration process, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're committed to serving our clients throughout Tampa, Florida, Pasco County, and Pinellas County with integrity, professionalism, and a client-centric approach.